Acuity Brain Injury



Funny stuff tonight…

B: I just want some grape jelly.

B: What happens if Mr. Feeny falls asleep in class?

B: Where is the knife? The one for the condiments?

Cute stuff…

When I FaceTime with Mikey and he sees the blue gown on me he immediately yells “I see Dada!”

Heartbreaking stuff tonight…

K: I’m gonna go home. I love you.

B: I love you too. I want to go home too. Take me with you.

K: Babe, I can’t. You’re not ready to go home yet. You still need to get better.

B: But I’m ready to go home. Please take me home with you.

For those of you who have visited and have heard his voice, you know it’s innocent and childlike. So of course I’m crying. But I can’t take him home. And my heart shatters a tiny bit more because I can’t help this helpless man whom I love and adore and give him one tiny thing he wants right now. Home.

And we took a backward step with Speech today. She feels he is too tired to participate in eating by mouth so that’s on hold. I’m ok with one tiny step backward. We’re ready to step forward by leaps and bounds.

I am beyond excited to make our rehabilitation choice tomorrow and announce it to all of you. I just want to sleep on it. I can’t wait to see what he is going to accomplish.

All our love, Karen and Bob