Acuity Brain Injury Magee

A Three Hour Tour…

Suzie and I traveled to both Magee and Moss Rehabilitation Hospitals in Philadelphia today. Magee was a three hour tour with the lovely Ruth. And Moss was about an hour and half with Shoshana. We drilled them with questions and amazed them with our knowledge of rehabs and outcomes and my husband’s medical needs. We were impressed with both institutions and I will sleep on it before making a decision tomorrow. If Bob were more with it, he would be in full “Spreadsheet Schroeder” mode and have an excel sheet listing pros and cons of each. We did it old school on a piece of paper. The highlights of today include watching a young man on a TBI floor be encouraged by four therapists while in his wheelchair.

Therapist: “You see your room? Can you get there?”

Young Man: “Yes. Yes I can.”

T: “Let’s do this”

*high fives between all of them*

Cue the tears.

We are reviewing our pros and cons list over margaritas and half price apps.